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来源:fqxs   主角: 黎霏霏黎霏霏   时间:2024-01-03 23:10:26



我是书名啊第三章 开学考Opening examination在线免费阅读

second week is fast approaching.Then comes the opening exam.

The examination will begin soon.The examination lasts for two days.The subject of the exam is Chinese mathematics English physics.

Soon the two-day examination was over.

I dont want to write about the exam in this article.Im mainly trying to say that a person.The following is my description of him.

Ive been sitting at the same table with him for two months. Im really going crazy. Sitting with him is like having a mental illness next to me.Its my deskmate.

He was able to avoid all the correct answers with precision in physics class.The physics teachers evaluation of him is 「Not good-looking but confident」Im really going crazy sleeping with him.

All I do is ask questions about brain stem loss.And he was bullying me at school.Ive had enough of his bullying.

In our dormitory, there was a female classmate who sat with him. His evaluation of him was that sitting with him would really be crazy.

An incident about him.

The Spy Storm.

The story takes place on Wednesday.After the second class,The head teacher came to the classroom.With a list in his hand.The head teacher just glanced at the whole class.The students feel that something bad has happened.

Sure enough, a dozen students names appeared from the teachers mouth soon after.Most of them are copying or making up homework in the morning.

Soon after the teacher left, the students in the classroom began to guess who was the spy.

The classroom is full of excitement.The classroom was as noisy as a holiday rush.The students are all wondering who the spy is.

In the afternoon, when I came back to class from my lunch break,At the door of the classroom stood my deskmate.

He has a smile on his face.

He made a booing motion.He told us「Dont talk when you go in」


In the back of the classroom lay a girl who fainted.It turns out she had a heart attack.

The cause of the story is this:When the resident student goes back to the dormitory,There are only day students left in the classroom.Four day students said Zhang was a spy.

The four of them were very loud and kept saying that Zhang was a spy.The five of them quarreled there all the time.

But the strength of one man is not worth the strength of four.

Zhang was so emotional that he had a heart attack.She fainted on the ground.But the culprit is there to gloat.One of the culprits is my deskmate.

Thats probably the story.

The teacher in the back educated them.But I dont think they know what they did was wrong.

They were there laughing and making a big show of themselves.Its as if its none of their business.They seem to be out of it.

My deskmate has never been a good thing.Hes been bullying me at school for two months.

Even though I gave it back.But Im just a weak woman.

The teacher said that I would change seats after the monthly exam. I am looking forward to the monthly exam.



